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Home :: Books :: Books: Alphabetical list :: Interpretation of Fairy Tales, The RSC2137

Interpretation of Fairy Tales, The RSC2137

Interpretation of Fairy Tales, The RSC2137

The Interpretation of Fairy Tales

by Roy Wilkinson

The reality of the fairy stories lies in the fact that their content portrays soul experiences, cosmic truths, the process of the individual's development, the elemental world, folk wisdom, and apocalyptic imaginations. These "reports," however, are not couched in conceptual language, but in imaginative pictures. A whole world of spiritual scientific knowledge is contained in them.

This book interprets thirty-nine popular fairy tales from an Anthroposophical point of view.

About the Author
Roy Wilkinson (1911– 2007) was an indefatigable teacher of children, lecturer, author and inspirer of many people in the Waldorf movement in the UK and abroad, right up to his death at the age of 96.

A Rudolf Steiner College Press title
65 pages.
21.3 x 13.8 cms.

Product Code: RSC2137
Weight 120.00 gm
Price: £10.99
Quantity Currently out of stock.