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Home :: Books :: Books: Alphabetical list :: Human Life, The

Human Life, The

Human Life, The

The Human Life
by George and Gisela O'Neil, and Florin Lowndes.

This edition of this classic biographic work has been revised, since its first publication in 1990.

The life-course of each and every human being, regardless of sex, ethnic origin, socio-cultural background, and individual characteristics grows out of one biographical pattern: the archetype of the human life. The life-course of each and every human individual goes through the same major life stages and trials, but each individual does this in its own singular way. This archetypal/individual life can be revealed through the 'Life-Chart' included in this book.

The fact that we are building our life based on a universal pattern remains largely hidden to most of us. In antiquity there was already a dim knowledge of the archetypal human life, for example, in the understanding of the seven-years rhythm. However, it was not until Rudolf Steiner described this archetype in detail that it was adequately illumined to enable the development of a systematic approach to human biography, as well as ways to work with it.

How do we truly understand this archetype? One answer is succinctly given in 'The Human Life': that an archetype of human life exists, even as each human life embodies the archetype in singular ways; and that this understanding, when grounded in a spiritual view, enables us to conduct our lives meaningfully and in harmony with the physical and spiritual world around us. Drawing primarily on Rudolf Steiner's books and lectures, as well as the authors' own spiritual research and other resources, the archetype of human biography is presented in detail and clearly outlined.

This book is supplied with an accompanying Life-Chart. If you require additional copies please contact us for cost and availability.

A Mercury Press title
350 pages.
Includes Life-Chart.
22 x 14 cms.

Product Code: MP9014
Weight 650.00 gm
Price: £33.00