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The Golden Blade 2000 Light on Life

The Golden Blade 2000 Light on Life

The Golden Blade 2000
Light on Life

Edited by William Forward, Simon Blaxland-de Lange and Andrew Wolpert

What is the meaning of a life? This 52nd edition of The Golden Blade continues the themes of Destiny and Community by bringing narrative, biographical, literary, medical and karmic considerations to shed light on life. Can we discern significant correspondences or even patterns in what might otherwise appear as a random sequence of events? Do we discriminate between the essential and inessential details in our stories? Are we able to recognise the crucial encounters we have? Developing such life skills will help us to realise the intentions we have set ourselves for this incarnation. The contributors to this issue describe their processes and insights in their quests to make sense of life.

Glimmers of Truth by Dorit Winter
Archetypes in Biography by Henning Köhler
A Reluctant Autobiographer by Doré Deverell
Telling Encounters by Matthias Wais
Coleridge: A Life Illumined by Coralee Schmandt
A Biographical Fragment by Nick Thomas
Childhood Illnesses: Spiritual Births by Bob Dudney
Verifying Karma Research by Enge, Smit and Schage   

Published by The Golden  Blade
111 pages.
21 x 14 cms.


Product Code: TGB 2000
Weight 200.00 gm
Price: £10.00