The Golden Blade 1983
The Mystery of the Human Soul
Edited by Adam Bittleston and Daniel Jones
Editorial Notes by Adam Bittleston
Memory & Love by Rudolf Steiner
The Global Task of Anthroposophy by Wolfgang Schad
The Work of Liane Collot d’Herbois by John Fletcher
Birth & the Human Soul by Mary Crawford
Plant-Mother by Jakob Streit
The Way Chose You by Hetti Brice
Love and Fidelity by Eileen Hutchins
Shakespeare’s Work as Mirror of the Human Soul by Dawn Langman
Dramatic Tragedy & Christian Belief by Charles Davy
Four Poems by Charles Austin
The Devil as Companion by Andrew Welburn
Pneuma & Psyche by Stanley Drake
Philia, Astrid and Luna by Adam Bittleston
Published by The Golden Blade
109 pages.
21 x 14 cms.