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Home :: Books :: Books: Alphabetical list :: Stronger than Fear MP6279

Stronger than Fear MP6279

Stronger than Fear MP6279

Stronger than Fear
The Works of John Frederic Oberlin

(August 31, 1740 – June 1, 1826)

By Lisa de Boor

“I’m a German and a Frenchman at the same time.” – J. F. Oberlin

This book is a re-issue of Lisa de Boor's 1956 monograph on John Frederic Oberlin, following facts and dates from the German translation of an Oberlin biography by D. E. Stober (1831). It depicts the life journey of Oberlin, an Alsace farmer, gentleman, and minister as a path of service informed by spiritual development.

Rudolf Steiner commented on Oberlin in a lecture:

“Oberlin lived in Steintal near Strasbourg. This Oberlin was a strange personality, and he worked on souls in a singular way. He was a clairvoyant personality – I can only indicate this – and after he lost his wife relatively early, he was actually able to live with her individuality as one lives with a living person. And thus he made daily notations of what was taking place up where his wife was. He wrote it into a chart of the heavens and showed it to the people around him, so that there was actually a community that participated in the life that Oberlin led with his wife who had died.... Such groups of people are destined to take on certain tasks in later incarnations.” (Occult History, Dec. 31, 1910)

Oberlin was a man of rare spirituality, frequently called “a saint of the Protestant church.”

About the Author
Lisa de Boor (1894–1957) was a German writer and poet and an anthroposophist. Beginning in 1918, she lived with her family in an artists' colony on the Baltic Sea, and after 1921 in Marburg, where her husband worked as a lawyer. During the National Socialist era , de Boor found solice in The Christian Community and looked after her daughter Ursula in five different prisons from 1943 to 1945. She also cared for her mother, who'd been institutionalized because of a mental illness and saved her from euthanasia. She also helped the relatives of those arrested and was arrested herself in 1941. Beginning in 1945, de Boor became actively involved in reestablishing of The Christian Community, and on March 30, 1945, the anniversary of Rudolf Steiner 's death, the first reading service took place in her house. In November 1945 she founded a nonpartisan women's committee in her living room with eight women, which later became the non-partisan women's association. She was a prolific author of poems, articles, and books.

A Mercury Press title
83 pages.
21.4 x 13.8 cms.

Product Code: MP6279
Weight 145.00 gm
Price: £13.50