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Soul Calendar and the Lemniscate, The RSC3690

Soul Calendar and the Lemniscate, The RSC3690

The Soul Calendar and the Lemniscate
Understanding and Transforming Ourselves

by Barbara Betteridge

Some years ago, a story appeared in The London Observer telling of a Sufi mystic who had long carried the question, "What is the mystical path of the Christian?" It dawned on him that it is a meditative path through the seasons of the year, marked by the Christian festivals. Rudolf Steiner's Soul Calendar offers just such meditations for the fifty-two weeks of the year.

About the Author
Barbara Betteridge was born in Santa Barbara, California, in 1913, the year after Rudolf Steiner's Calendar of the Soul was first published.

A Rudolf Steiner College Press title
60 pages.
21.4 x 14 cms.


Product Code: RSC3690
Weight 135.00 gm
Price: £7.99