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Home :: Books :: Books: Alphabetical list :: Organic Manure MP9625

Organic Manure MP9625

Organic Manure MP9625

Organic Manure
Its Treatment according to indications of Rudolf Steiner

by Nikolaus Remer.

A book for farmers and gardeners who are interested in improving the fertility and productivity of the soil with organic manure which has been treated with special additives. The additives, known to biodynamic farmers as preparations, are discussed in detail as to their application. Dr Remer also discusses the care and treatment of various manures so that our soil can be ever enriched. As an addendum, there is a discussion of Chinese methods of organic manuring.

A Mercury Press title
124 pages.
21 x 13 cms.


Product Code: MP9625
Weight 176.00 gm
Price: £9.99