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Mesonyms MP6088

Mesonyms MP6088

by Michael Howard.

Michael Howard reminds us that polarization is ubiquitous in our time. In the realm of language, this polarization comes to expression through synonyms and antonyms. But the world is not as black-and-white as it appears. Fortunately, the language is rich in words that bridge and mediate between polar extremes. However, these words are not as prominent in our speaking and thinking as synonyms and antonyms, and for this reason, we do not apply them in our practical affairs as fully as we might.

By its very title this booklet proposes 'Mesonym' as the name for 'words in the middle, words that mediate'. A thesaurus of Mesonyms would be a resource for becoming more conscious of this dimension of language, and perhaps open us to less polarized ways of thinking and acting. This booklet offers examples that clarify the nature and practical value of Mesonyms. In itself it is a modest introduction to a larger enterprise but the hope is that it may inspire others to develop it further.

About the author
Michael Howard, born in Vancouver, BC, in 1946, began sculpting at the age of fifteen. He received his B.F.A. from Eastern Michigan University and his M.A. in Fine Arts from Columbia Pacific University. He has studied the work of Rudolf Steiner since 1969. For thirty years, Michael has made an independent study of Rudolf Steiner’s sculpture and taught primarily in Waldorf schools and anthroposophic centers, both in Europe and North America. Since 1985, he has taught sculpture at Sunbridge College in Spring Valley, New York. He is the leader of the Visual Art Section of the Anthroposophical Society in North America.

A Mercury Press title
44 pages.
21 x 13 cms.


Product Code: MP6088
Weight 68.00 gm
Price: £10.99