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Feeling Knowing RSC5170

Feeling Knowing RSC5170

Feeling Knowing
Collected essays

by Georg Kühlewind
Translated and edited by Friedemann-Eckart Schwarzkopf

Georg Kühlewind describes a way of knowing through concepts that guide thought to higher feeling. He generally emphasizes the difference between "self-feeling" and selfless "knowing feeling," which is not concerned with the way things make us feel, but how something reveals its inner nature when we turn our feeling will toward the "other," so that it shows itself to us through our reversed feeling will. Thus, our feeling attention no longer points to ourselves but increasingly toward others.

About the Author
Georg Kühlewind (1924–2006) was a Hungarian philosopher, writer, lecturer, and meditation teacher who worked from the tradition of Rudolf Steiner’s spiritual science. Setting aside his early interest in music and psychology, he pursued a successful professional career as a physical chemist. Meanwhile, he continued to deepen his spiritual practice and insights. A prolific author (most of whose works are still only in German), Georg Kühlewind spent much time traveling the world, lecturing and leading workshops and seminars in meditation, psychology, epistemology, child development, anthroposophy, and esoteric Christianity. He was the author of numerous books. Kühlewind died January 15, 2006 at the age of 83.

A Rudolf Steiner College Press title
144 pages
21 x 27 cms



Product Code: RSC5170
Weight 400.00 gm
Price: £15.50