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Home :: Books :: Books: Alphabetical list :: Fall and Redemption MP9472

Fall and Redemption MP9472

Fall and Redemption MP9472

Fall and Redemption
3 lectures by Rudolf Steiner given in Dornach between 19th and 21st January 1923
Translated by William Lindeman

"Huckle, get up, the sky is cracking!" In the Oberufer Shepherds play, Huckle is sleeping out on an icy field. Another shepherd is trying to wake him up. They have just dreamed about the new birth in Bethlehem. But Huckle wants to go on sleeping and mutters peevishly: "Let it crack. It's old enough to have cracked before." Rudolf Steiner uses this scene as a metaphor. Will we wake up now when the 'sky' is open to us again?

A Mercury Press title
50 pages. 
21 x 13 cms.


Product Code: MP9472
Weight 84.00 gm
Price: £8.50