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Home :: Books :: Books: Alphabetical list :: Balance in Teaching MP2488

Balance in Teaching MP2488

Balance in Teaching MP2488

Balance in Teaching
Four lectures by Rudolf Steiner, given in Stuttgart on 15th, 16th, 21st and 22nd September 1920.

Balance: again and again Rudolf Steiner emphasizes its importance in education: the balance between eye and ear; between perception, comprehension and memory. This book provides a wonderful teacher's tool for understanding the psycho-physiology of education, for recognizing problems, and for knowing what to do about them.

The Educational Task of Central Europe
Concerning the Three Fundamental Forces in Education
Supersensible Physiology in Education
Balance in Teaching

A Mercury Press title
60 pages.
21 x 14 cms.

Product Code: MP2488
Weight 100.00 gm
Price: £9.50