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Way of Serving, A MP6149

Way of Serving, A MP6149

A Way of Serving
The General Anthroposophical Section of the School for Spiritual Science

by Penelope Baring and RüdigerJanisch

At the heart of the Anthroposophical Society is the School for Spiritual Science, intended to be an esoteric school for spiritual scientific research and study. In 1924, Rudolf Steiner held nineteen esoteric lessons in which he introduced his followers to a series of meditations (mantras), along with instructions and guidelines for their use. This became known as “The First Class Lessons.”

After Steiner’s death in 1925, the Anthroposophical Society Executive Council (Vorstand) at the Goetheanum began to convey the contents of those lessons to members of the First Class. Leaders in the Anthroposophical Society were assigned this task, and circles of Class holders grew in various cities and countries around the world. Today members of the Anthroposophical Society may become members of the First Class and participate in the instructional lessons.

In this book, the General Anthroposophical Section of the School for Spiritual Science is explored in both its inner and outer aspects. It explores topics that include defining what this Section is; its tasks; steps for joining the School for Spiritual Science; living with questions; understanding ideas as organs of perception; observing one's will; awaking one’s heart; and working with the mantras.

1. What is the General Anthroposophical Section?
2. How are the Members of the School for Spiritual Science Active?
3. Awakening the Heart
4. What are the Steps for Joining the School for Spiritual Science?
5. Living with Questions
6. Ideas Become Organs of Perception: A New Clairvoyance
7. Observing Will Activity: Action Research
8. Building the Bridge through the Arts
9. Harmonizing Karma
10. Researching with Colleagues
11. Acting Out of Love: Nurturing the Life of the Soul
12. Building the Hut
13. Esoteric Working: Everything Must Be Different
14. Working with Mantric Verses

About the Authors
Penelope Baring has been a member of the Anthroposophical Society in America for more than 50 years and Class Reader since 1988. She has been a member of the Eastern Regional Council and subsequently by a member of the National Council of the Society. She was also a member of the Collegium of the School of Spiritual Science in North America. In the 1990s, Penelope was asked by Arthur Zajonc, then General Secretary of the Anthroposophical Society in America, to lead meditation retreats in various parts of the U.S., which she did for about 10 years Baring was also a resident coworker of Camphill for more than 44 years.

Rüdiger Janisch has been working in Curative Education and teaching in professional training programs in Germany and the United States for over 40 years. A long-time student of anthroposophy, he serves on the Collegium of the School for Spiritual Science in North America. His contributions to adult education methods were recognized in the context of an international research project sponsored by the European Union. He has been a member of the core faculty of a joint ‘Training for Trainers’ program supporting Curative Education and Social Therapy in Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, and Kyrgyzstan. He has also taught as an adjunct faculty member of the M.S. Ed program in Waldorf Remedial Education at Antioch University N.H. Having taught many different aspects of anthroposophy and Curative Education, he currently is focused on action research and the development of artistic and experiential approaches to the spiritual scientific study of the human being.

A Mercury Press title
21 x 14 cms
42 pages.
Stitched pamphlet.


Product Code: MP6149
Weight 80.00 gm
Price: £6.50